2010年12月7日 星期二

Who defines the GOOD habbits

When someone eager to earn more money, they can get good admire of their habits or interests.

But when someone just want to read comic books, they just defined as wasting their time on the comic books.

How it comes that?

Why there are so many DEFINEs of our interests? Why we need to utilize our time on the behavior that desn’t makes us happy? Do we still the owner of our life? Can we ignore the view point of ours?

Until now, sometimes I still find that I am living in others life, I didn’t own my life, my time. How it comes that? How does it go to this way? 

Depressed, filling in my mind now.

2010年4月29日 星期四

vaio p 裝 ubuntu 9.10

oh my god .弄好久弄不好

舊方法新方法交替用來用去 也忘了做了什麼

這個人似乎和我一樣試來試去得到閃螢幕的結果. 跟著好心人的回答改了
試一下 ..
oh.. ubuntu forum 根本是進階人士看的.

我. 我是超級new newbie.

2010年4月19日 星期一


雨傘王 羽毛傘

2010年4月12日 星期一


討厭別人 只會讓自己不舒服

gmake 筆記

$@ : target
$^: prerequisite 清單


%.o : %.c
cc -c $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@
會build 所有的.c 再 output .o

`%' matches any nonempty substring
In order for the pattern rule to apply, its target pattern must match the le name under consideration, and its prerequisite patterns must name les that exist orcan be made.